Weak housing market seem exaggerated - Jun 2019


In the period between April 2018 and March 2019, looking at the 50 towns with the largest number of property listings, 56 days was the average time period for a property to go under offer. Elsewhere, in Scotland it took less than four weeks for properties in Falkirk and Edinburgh to find a buyer. 

“Despite widespread reports of a subdued housing market, Brits may be surprised that it takes less than two months for the average British property to go under offer from the date it was first listed for sale,” says Zoopla spokesperson Annabel Dixon.

“The key is to get your pricing correct, meaning the best way to sell your home quickly is to ask for its true value given the current market. Overpriced homes won’t shift and may have to be discounted and, on the flip side, nobody wants to sell for less than their property is worth.

“Wherever in the country you are buying, it will pay dividends to get your finances and paperwork in good order ahead of time,” she adds.

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