Supply and demand Brexit concerns - May 2019


With the Brexit date being pushed back once more, it would appear that supply and demand for property is now the driving factor in the market, with Brexit taking the back seat in terms of market-driving factors. 

In a recent survey from property investment company SevenCapital, nearly 69.5% of investors continued to invest in the United Kingdom despite the spectre of Brexit. Indeed, this confidence in the United Kingdom property market is echoed by international investors, with nearly 95% of the Hong Kong respondents believing that Brexit isn’t a critical factor in their investment decision.

SevenCapital points out that the Sterling has risen in value – a better indicator of fiscal stability – and this outweighs any potential impact that Brexit may have levied upon the market. With the average price of properties increasing last month by over 1% or £3,347, according to Rightmove, then house prices are also reflecting this upturn in the market. 

In terms of the rental market, rental yields have also grown in recent months with the best performing areas in Birmingham and Manchester seeing yields driven up as much as 10%. With new changes in the rental sector such as the Tenant Fee Ban and Section 21 changes, tenants and potential tenants should be feeling more empowered in terms of their rights which should encourage more renters into the market. 

Despite the headlines that Brexit has provided of late, it is evident that other factors are driving the property market, both sales and lettings. A key point to note is the lack of housing supply and increased demand of late with this duality keeping the market buoyant, despite any political uncertainties. With first-time buyers now at record levels and keen to buy, there is a whole new swathe of potential buyers entering the market which is creating an extremely competitive sales environment. 

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